Gravity Crash Portable Set For PSP

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Well, it’s finally here, Gravity Crash Portable is being released via PlayStation Store on July 21st for € 7.99/£6.29.


During the development of the PSP version we made some changes based on feedback from the PS3 version, including things that you guys asked for and things that we felt needed to be looked at. To tantalise you in anticipation here’s a list of some of what has changed:

  • We’ve added a third ship. An anti-gravity ship. When playing, if you let go of the Analog Stick you will now no longer plunge to your death.
  • We’ve increased the number of special weapon slots from 3 to 5.
  • We’ve added a lot more weapon pickups throughout the levels.
  • We’ve made the Primary Objectives more recognisable on the radar (BIG FLASHING DOTS).
  • We used the old school concept of 3 lives then game over; we have now removed that and If you get Game Over, you can start from where you left off.
  • We completely re-wrote the “paint” aspect of the editor, to make it faster and cleverer in relation to holes.
  • We’ve added a new game mode, “Survivor mode”, where you have an ever decreasing time limit, but an ever increasing difficulty level, in which to collect 10 gems.
  • We’ve also unlocked the hidden game “Gold Grabber” which was only unlocked by completing the game on the PS3 version.

Despite the changes, the game retains the same frenetic gameplay as the PS3 version, perhaps more so due to the smaller screen size. What started off as a making a PSP version has turned into much more, and something we’re truly proud of.


Of course sharing levels is still possible and it’s pretty simple actually, each custom level you create and save is given a unique folder name within the “\PSP\SAVEDATA\” folder of your memory stick, or PSP GO internal storage, like this “NPEG00020DATAxx” (xx is a number), simply copy that entire folder to your friends PSP and they’ll be able to play your level via the “PLAY USER LEVELS” option.


I think I’m done. As I said, we’re incredibly proud of the PSP version and we really do hope you like it. If you have any questions then leave a comment below and I will do my best to reply as quickly as possible.”

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