PlayStation Home: Build A PixelJunk World

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This week’s PlayStation Home update is a bit lighter then we have seen in recent weeks but, I can tease that, since I’ve writing these posts, I have been given a glimpse of a few things in the pipeline and it is exciting stuff.

Moving back to the matter at hand, those PixelJunk Monsters invade PlayStation Home this week in the form of a range of furniture that you can use to create scenes from the game in your apartments. There are rugs, foliage, towers and, of course, the monsters themselves to help you cultivate your own micro-worlds based on the ever-popular PSN tower defence game.


Lockwood is making it easier than ever to get involved in Sodium; here’s what they have to say:

“Lockwood Publishing are proud to announce the new Sodium Hovertank Rental Scheme. As of this Thursday at any Sodium Commerce Point you too can access the full 50 levels of explosive Salt Shooter Action for one day, two days or a full week, for low, low prices”.


“To celebrate this new way to play, we’ll be doubling the amount of Gold, Silver and Silicon available in game for all valid rental ticket and Sodium Pilot Outfit holders for the next seven days. More resources means even more Sodium Credits to use at the VICKIE shop.

“Never has it been easier to get into the action”.

They are also introducing a new brand of clothing called Figment:

“Figment represents a change of pace for Lockwood and a move to high-end formalwear. Figment is all about elegance, poise and show stopping style in the form of Stunning evening dresses, chic jewelled sandals, handsome trilby hats and smart brogues”.


“Figment is about being able to stride confidently into any party, room or restaurant knowing you look great. But most of all, Figment is about imagination and the ability to combine separate items in ways you hadn’t considered before to produce even more incredible looks and outfits. The power is yours”!

This content will be available at the regular time on Thursday.

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