Guide To PlayStation Customer Services

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Over the last couple of years PlayStation.Blog has been bringing you news and features from the world of PlayStation and, crucially, allowing you leave comments and feedback on any new information or content featured.

Many have turned to the Blog to discuss technical support issues that have required greater assistance. While discussion and feedback is a key aspect of the Blog, when seeking answers to technical queries we recommend you start with the guides and FAQs at and, if you can’t find the solution there, check out our Technical Help and Advice Forums.

Our team is on hand to research and respond to your technical questions. Here is an explanation of how advice can be sought on the forums from our tech support guru, RabidWalker:

If you ever have a question or require any technical support, we have the ideal area over on our Technical Help and Advice Board found on the Official PlayStation Forum.

If you visit the Technical Help and Advice Board on our forums, you have the opportunity to pose those technical questions to our community and the team so we can help you out.

You will need to log into the Official PlayStation forums and head over to Technical Help section to ask your question:

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This will invite our knowledgeable community to reply to your question (with the reply button in the bottom right hand corner of your posted query). Our team will also be able to look into any queries you may have and help with finding you the best answer.

The best answers can be tagged as an ‘Accepted Solution’ by any of our community members. This means others who have the same query will be able to navigate to the answer straight away. You may find the query you have has already been answered by the community- in which case this will be easy to find!

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In this instance, a good solution has been found and tagged as the best answer to our question ‘Clicking on ‘Solved! Go to Solution‘ will immediately send you over to the answer.

On the Technical Help and Advice Forums you will find a catalogue of Accepted Solutions for all the most popular Technical Questions, regularly updated by both the team and the community. There is also a host of up-to-date guides to many PlayStation queries to help you.

For Example-

How do I activate/deactivate my PlayStation 3?

Connecting PS3 to PC monitor- Any Questions?

As well as technical advice, there will be all the latest information on PlayStation Network updates, Game updates and System software information, with the opportunity to discuss all of these areas.

You can also follow PlayStation Technical Support on Twitter @RabidWalker, which will be regularly updated with the latest Technical Information and links to support guides to help you out.

Additionally, I have set up a blog author account for RabidWalker and will ask him to pop onto the blog from time to time to pick up any recurring issues and direct people to the information they need.

Finally, if you’ve tried these channels and still have a technical issue, here are the customer support telephone numbers for each PAL territory:

[Contact Us] PlayStation Customer Helpline

I hope this helps some of you and please continue to let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions of how we can make your PlayStation experiences as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

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