UPADTE: PS3 system software update v.4.50 launches this week

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UPADTE: PS3 system software update v.4.50 launches this week

Update: We have mistakenly announced in our PS3 system software update 4.50 blog post one feature that is currently unavailable, “Data can be transferred from PS3 to PC Vita using Wi-Fi and ethernet connection.”

This feature will become available when the latest systemsoftware update for the PS Vita system, currently under development, becomes available.The system software update timing is yet to be decided but we will announce when it is ready.

It also says that the data can be transferred via ethernet connection which is not supported on the PS Vita system. This is referring to the PS Vita TV system which will become available in Japan later this year and in Asia in January 2014.

We apologize for the confusion and appreciate your understanding.

Original post: Later today, the next system software update for PS3 (version 4.50) will be available. We’ve added some great features and improvements to make downloading system updates and Web Store purchases more convenient for all PSN users. In addition, we’ve made it easier to move games, movies and other content from your PS3 to PS Vita with wi-fi data transfer.

Check out some of the new enhancements you’ll find when you update your PS3 to version 4.50:

  • Auto download of system software updates has been expanded to support all PSN users.
  • Auto download support of purchases made on the Web Store will be made available to all PSN users.
  • New options for trophy privacy settings allow users to set which trophies are visible.
  • Data can now be transferred from PS3 to PS Vita using wi-fi and ethernet connection.

Let us know what you think about all the new features in the comments below.

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