New discounts start today on PlayStation Store, including Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

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New discounts start today on PlayStation Store, including Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Plus, pre-order discounts on some up-and-coming digital gems

Follow Faith, a daring free runner, as she fights for freedom in the city of Glass in our Deal of the Week, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.

Available on PS4, you can master your environment and uncover the terrible secret hidden within the city at a drop down price until the 27th July. Download today!

Totally Digital (until 24/08/16)

It’s week two of our huge Totally Digital event on PlayStation Store! With a mix of both full game and pre-order titles available on offer, you can save up to 50% on some amazing digital and indie games!

Don’t miss out on favourites such as Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, The Witness, Rocket League, Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty and many more. We’ve also added Bound, Headlander, Brutal, ABZU and Dungeon Punks to our list of digital pre-order titles available on offer!

Don’t forget, if you’re a member of PlayStation Plus, you can get additional PS Plus discounts on selected Totally Digital offers. Get a PS Plus membership today!

You won’t want to miss these amazing deals so head to PlayStation Store and save, download and play!

*Some titles within the promotion may not be available in your region

Save on PS3 and Vita (until 27/07/16)

Our PS3 and Vita offers continue this week with a wide range of titles available at a discounted price! You can visit PlayStation Store for all your regional pricing but here’s a complete look at what’s on offer!

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