Free-to-play PS4 strategy game Guns Up! gets new content today

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A new unit, features and optimisations arrive in update 2.15

Who is the new guy, you ask? Well that’s the chemist, isn’t he cool? He’s just one of the great new things in the latest Guns Up! 2.15 update, available now!

Guns Up!

Since our last blog update we’ve added some exciting content including new Units, new Cards, and new functionality to existing game mechanics. The Riot and Surgeon Units have been a big hit with the community, adding more variety to the way players Attack and Defend. The new Speed Perk has provided a bit of haste for those Units that hit hard, but can be slow to get into position. The addition of Endless Defence Waves brought a whole new level of replay value for you base builders. You might think that with all of these new additions to GU! we’d take bit of a break, but no way…we’ve got a whole new bundle of content coming in the 2.15 Update as well!

Guns upGuns upGuns up


In the 2.15 Update, the Chemist is a new support unit that sprays poison gas clouds onto the battlefield. Units caught in these clouds will take damage over time and will succumb to coughing fits while trapped. Although vulnerable on his own, the Chemist can help to turn the tide in your favour when two large forces face off.

In addition to the Chemist, we’re bringing a lot of community driven additions to the game that we think will really make players rethink their current strategies, both offensive and defensive, in an effort to improve their standings.

One of the most community-requested additions, Base Resets, allows a player the opportunity to redesign their base from scratch. Did you demolish too many rocks? Wish you could replace a tree to aid in you defensive strategy? Do you just want to create a whole new base setup? With the Base Reset option, now you can! We’ve also made the Dynamite resource a direct purchase so you can continue to destroy and rebuild your base without having to wait on those Dynamite drops.

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Another big community-inspired addition is the HQ Squad Command Cards. Gone are the days of Grunts and Assault Units being the only ones to spawn from your HQ. With the inclusion of the HQ Squad Command Cards, you can now customise the Units that will spawn from your HQ! Everyone will be getting two new unlocked Command Card slots, one of which will come preloaded with a free Squad Card!

We’ll also be adding 4X Boosts and two Perk Card Packs as well. The 4X Boosts will quadruple the amount of XP and Munitions you earn from battles. The Core Perk Card Pack and the Perk Card Pack will really help out those players who are looking for another option to quickly upgrade their Units.

So be on the lookout for the incoming Guns Up! 2.15 Update and get ready to head back out to the battlefield to try out all of the new content. Be sure to stay tuned to the forums and PS4 community for new info on all things Guns Up!, and check out our weekend PS4 Events for a chance to earn some great in-game rewards! And if you’re interested in learning more, go to or download Guns Up! for free from PlayStation Store today!

We want to thank our community members for their continued support and interest. The growing community helped shape the game into what it is today. Thank you!

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