Blur and Geometry Wars veterans return with four-wheeled multiplayer combat in PS4’s Switchblade

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Blur and Geometry Wars veterans return with four-wheeled multiplayer combat in PS4’s Switchblade

Sign up for the closed beta to try out 5v5 battles and switching between rides mid-match

The team at Lucid games has a rich history of creating exciting console driving games over the last two decades, so back in 2014 when we had the possibility to self finance and independently publish a new PS4 title we had one major desire: to create a new evolutionary step in vehicle action games. Over this time we have have worked hard to realise our vision, and I am really excited to announce Switchblade for PS4.

Switchblade is like experiencing war but at 100mph! It is an intense 5v5 future sport that combines high octane action combat with an ever-shifting array of strategic choices as the battle unfolds.

Seamlessly switch between different heavily armed vehicles at any time to create endless tactical choices. Chase down a rival in a speedy fighter, then swap to a heavy-duty battlewagon to attack your competitors base whilst your teammates switch between healers & artillery to back you up.



Yep you heard that right, one of unique gameplay features of Switchblade is that you choose two vehicles before your match and you can swap between them at any time. This is critical in the game as over the course of the match you encounter many different scenarios emerging from the constantly evolving battle happening around you.

Switchblade has loads of depth in the gameplay, but the the overall objective for each match is very simple, you and your teammates have to try to destroy your opponents base.

Switchblade has also been built from the ground up to support eSports. Every player is portrayed as a virtual character. You start the game in a hall of champions where you can jump into a game lobby, or personalise your character cosmetically, and continue to play the game you will be able to unlock tech chips that tweak your skills further.



We are really excited about Switchblade and we want as many people as possible to play it so we have taken the decision that Switchblade will be free for all Playstation users, even those who are not on Playstation Plus are able to go online to play this exciting new sport. Oh and before anyone worries, this game is not pay to win, like any sport skill is the only currency for

As Playstation users ourselves, we know that the community is one that loves to try new experiences and we cannot wait for you to be able to play our game and give us feedback. So with that we have a special closed beta that you can sign up for now:

Switchblade is a free to play digital download title for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Pro, Questions? Comments? We’ll be keeping an eye on the space below with some answers wherever we can provide them. And you’ll definitely be hearing more from us within the next few weeks.


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