The Shortest Month Is Now Minis Month

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Hello everyone,
I am very happy to declare February, ‘minis‘ month. It’s a 28-day extravaganza of goodies, competitions and offers celebrating minis! PlayStation’s mini-revolution in bite-sized, affordable and fast-to-download gaming for PSP (PlayStation Portable) and PlayStation 3 (PS3).
You’ll find details of everything on the PlayStation Blog, which will feature minis news, offers, free downloads and previews regularly throughout minis month. Make sure you check it regularly to keep up-to-date with everything that is going on.

PS3 minis

First up, we are giving you the chance to win a PSPgo and PlayStation Network Vouchers. All you have to do is put the right name to 8 minis games in our minis competition. Head over to now to enter. Good luck!
minis month will also give everyone a chance to try this mini-revolution in gaming at discounted prices, with great offers on the price of minis in PlayStation Store throughout February. First sale starts this Thursday 4th February until 18th February, with the following games available at great prices!

Just to let you know that these prices will only last for 2 weeks!
Also, make you sure you check the new minis videos on the PSP YouTube channel now! We will be adding new minis videos every week. Click here to take a look.
minis month will also give you free minis game downloads, wallpapers, and much more. Don’t miss out! Remember to check the Blog for the latest details, offers and downloads.
The microchip. The mightiest of the mini inventions. Prepare to realise that small is powerful – and enjoy minis month this February.

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