PlayStation at E3: 1998

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This was the year of Gran Turismo and the original Real Driving Simulator arrived in the West around the time of E3 1998, redefining how good a racing game could look and handle. There’s even a rumour that top journalists were transported to the event in stretch Hummers and could play a few races on the way.

Not only was E3 1998 the last time the event would be held in Atlanta, it was the last time the original PlayStation console would take centre stage. It was supported by a strong cast of highly anticipated sequels like Crash Bandicoot 3, Twisted Metal 3, as well as new titles such as Syphon Filter and Silent Hill.
Squaresoft followed up on the popularity of Final Fantasy VII with Final Fantasy VIII and backed that up with an impressing range of titles including Parasite Eve.
It was a lavish show closed in suitable style when Foo Fighters played at the PlayStation end of show party. However, not even they could upstage the star of E3 1999…

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